Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Toybag Guide to Age Play, by Lee (Bridgett) Harrington

Description from Amazon:

Adult babies, sassy schoolgirls, bratty teens - all hold an honored place in the erotic roleplaying imagination of many adults. You'll learn how to express yourself through your ageplay role, choose a level of play that feels safe yet exciting, negotiate to be sure your needs get met, and find great props and equipment to inspire your play.

Amazon has this title in paperback and Kindle format.  I read it on my Kindle.  

 - How kinky?
Well, this sort of play falls into a category many would call Taboo Play, so yes, that's fairly kinky.  It's not about BDSM, in the usual sense of the term.  But as roleplay goes, it's pretty out-there (nothing wrong with that!).

- How sexy?
These sorts of guides are pure information, so I might dispense with the "How Sexy" question for these.  They're not.

- How accessible?
 I tend to think it is quite accessible.  It starts right from the beginning, and the author makes a point of addressing the "squicks" that people who haven't come across it before might have about this sort of play.  It gives a really good, basic overview, perfect for those who are coming into it brand-new.
- How informative?
Very.  It gives all the basic info one might expect to come across in a volume of this kind, and answers all the questions one might have to begin with.
- How engaging?
Again, same as the "sexy" question - it's irrelevant.  Plus, it doesn't have to be - it's only 112 pages long.

- How well executed?
Very.  Does exactly what it says on the tin.  Very well done.

- Overall reaction
 I love it.  As I said, it answers all of the question you might have coming into it.  However, because it's about a type of roleplay, it arguably falls into the category of Psychological Game, therefore a small volume like this might not be something you'd throw "into your toybag" to carry around with you.  It's the sort of thing you'd read once to get a feel for it, possibly read again to become more familiar with the subject if it interests you, and thereafter keep on the shelf to lend to anyone else who expresses interest.  The rest is really made up by you and your play partner/s, or researched independently.  It's not really the kind of guide you're going to need to refer to over and over.  That's just the nature of the subject matter, really.

Four cocks!

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